Thursday, February 3, 2011

Our Way or God’s Way?

Read ~Exodus 2:11-25

Whenever challenges come, there are two different ways to respond: God’s way or our way. Moses is an example of a man who, on separate occasions, tried out both options. In today’s passage, we see what happened when he took matters into his own hands. Although his motives were pure—namely, the relief of his peoples’ suffering—his method was wrong. Moses made three mistakes.

1. He focused on the difficulty instead of on the Lord. How often have you and I done the same thing? The unfairness or pain of a situation grabs our attention and in our quest for a solution, we forget our all-powerful God.

2. He relied on his own strength and understanding. When a problem arises, the most natural response is to do what we can to make it right.

3. He acted impulsively rather than waiting on the Lord. If a situation seems urgent, fixing the problem as fast as possible becomes our top priority.

Our way can look so logical at the time, but let’s consider how effective Moses was in achieving his goal. An Egyptian was killed, but the Hebrew people weren’t liberated. Moses was misunderstood by those he tried to help, and his life took an unexpected detour into the desert for 40 long years.

We’ve all followed Moses’ example at some point and suffered the consequences of self-reliance. But God didn’t reject Moses and cancel His plans for him. Instead, He refined the future leader’s character through trials and gave him another chance. Don’t you think the Lord will do the same for us?

[Via Pastor Charles Stanley]
Be Blessed!

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