Friday, December 3, 2010

No Other Foundation

by Greg Laurie

For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.  1 Corinthians 3:11

What have you built your life on? Some people build their spiritual foundation on another person's relationship with God. Maybe their relationship with God hinges on their spouse's relationship with God. Maybe it hinges on a parent's relationship with God. Maybe it hinges on a friend's relationship with God. But
here is the problem: What if something happens and that person is no longer  there? What will happen to you? Did you build your foundation on a person or on Jesus Christ?

Some people build their foundation on the church itself. It is all about their church. But what happens one day when something occurs in the church that they don't like? Maybe a pastor or other church leader will disappoint them.  A foundation should not be built on spiritual leaders, because they are human.
They will eventually disappoint. Everyone falls short in some way, shape, or form.  If we build our foundations on people, on churches, on relationships, or on fluctuating emotions, then our foundation will be flawed, because these things shift like sand. It is like the people who always want the shortcut. They want
the blessings of God, but they don't want God. They want happiness, but they don't want holiness.

Yet whether we like it or not, storms will come into our lives. The floods will  hit. Sometimes it will be tidal waves of temptation. At other times, it will be the slow, eroding effect of more subtle methods. And storms can come hard and fast with a tragedy that alters your life overnight, and they will test your faith.

How will you fare in that day? If you build your spiritual life on anyone or anything else, you simply won't make it. So build your life on Jesus Christ. He will sustain you when the storms come.
Be Blessed!


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