Friday, July 2, 2010

"Purpose in the Mundane"

So at twilight they set out for the camp of the Arameans.
But when they came to the edge of the camp, no one was there!
Kings 7:5

Have you ever found yourself in the middle of the will of God when you were doing a rather mundane thing? In 2 Kings 7 we find the story of four men with leprosy whose hunger sent them in search of their next meal. Little did they know that God would use them in the process to herald His message of provision for the people of Israel.

Israel not only was in the midst of a famine, but they were also under siege from the Syrians. As these four men sat at the entrance of the city's gates, they decided that things couldn't get much worse. So they came up with a plan to go to the camp of the Syrians in the hope of getting some table scraps. But when they arrived, they discovered the Syrians had fled—and had left food everywhere.

The Syrians ran away because they heard the noise of an approaching army. They assumed the Israelites had joined forces with their allies to drive them out of the camp. God had supernaturally cleared out the Syrians with this noise, but He also had naturally led the four men to the camp. Hunger drove them—something as simple as wanting to get a meal.

The will of God is not always easy to discern. But often while we are looking for visions and angels and audible voices, God is saying, "You know what? I have an opportunity for you right now if you will just pay attention."

Galatians 3:11 reminds us, "It is through faith that a righteous person has life." God will lead you both supernaturally and naturally, but for the most part, the Christian life is one of faith where you study His Word, pray for direction, apply His principles, and then go out and do the right thing.

Be Blessed and be a Blessing to One Another!

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