Monday, May 17, 2010

"God's Guaranteed Protection"

"Then I was given a measuring rod like a staff, and I was told, 'Rise and measure the temple of God and the altar and those who worship there, but do not measure the court outside the temple; leave that out, for it is given over to the nations, and they will trample the holy city for forty-two months.'" - Revelation 11:1-2

God has made a commitment to protect His people. Nothing will thwart that. Now that's good news. It's a great thought to keep in mind when you are listening to all the bad news that's out there!

This word measure in Revelation 11:1 isn't about God finding out how big the temple is. God knows how big it is. That term measure is also used in Ezekiel 40 through 48. An angel there measured the temple with a ten-foot rod. It pictures God's intent to establish and protect His people. "Measure it" is a way of saying "All right. This is what belongs to Me. These are My people. This is what's on My heart." God was instructing John to mark the people under God's protection.

Revelation 11:1 also says, "...but do not measure the court outside the temple; leave that out...". In other words, God's not going to protect the heathen; God's going to protect His own people - the people within the household of faith. "...For it is given over to the nations and they will trample..." it. They will desecrate it.

We can see from elsewhere in Revelation and other prophecies that outsiders will trample and desecrate the City of Jerusalem for a time. But God's people, during that time of unparalleled darkness, will be totally protected. All that has been measured, God will protect.

If you're a blood-bought son or daughter of the Living God, through faith in Jesus Christ, there is a protection that extends to you that is hard to even calibrate. We know the Bible says that God has counted and knows the hair on my head, He saves my tears in a bottle, His eyes are always upon me, and my name is engraved upon His hand. I don't think we can begin to calculate the loving care and the protective interest that God has in our life. Even - no, not even - especially when difficult times come. God, far from backing off us, is moving toward us, rolling up His sleeves and saying, "I love you. I'm going to let you go through this. But I am on it! Measure the temple. Measure My people. Let's get the details down. I want My children to know I am taking care of them!"


  1. Thank you, for always sending my your devotions because it gives me something to look forward to guide me through my day. Each one that I read inspire me to learn to get closer to God because without him there is no US.

  2. You're quite welcome sweetie. That's my purpose for doing it. It's always easy to tell ppl to "read the bible" but sometimes getting scripture pointed out to us while we're in the midst of our lives is the push we need.

    Be blessed!

