Tuesday, January 26, 2010

"In Times of Crisis"

"And we know that for those who love God
all things work together for good, for those who
are called according to his purpose." - Romans 8:28

Two weeks ago, an earthquake hit the earth. I didn't feel it in Illinois at first. But while the buildings were coming down in Haiti; and thousands were dying in the rubble, I began to feel the reverberations in the news reports. The more I heard and saw, the more I was left shaken. As my friend Mark Driscoll put it, I'm haunted by Haiti. Think of it. Right now, as you read this, men are still weeping, mothers continue to morn their children, and orphans wander through the streets of Haiti. Children are crouching in shivering fear as people stand stunned and staring in disbelief at the remains of what they once called their homes. The world is racing to help these people in unimaginable crisis. The aftershocks are going on in your life and mine. Lots of questions are being asked. Let me mention a couple you should be ready to answer.

"What good could possibly come from this tragedy? You say that God loves us. You say He has a purpose and that good will come of this. Like what?" First, many Scriptures teach God's sovereign goodness. The classic New Testament text is Romans 8:28 that says, "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good." God causes all things (all things - that's the hard part) to work together for good. Faced with the gruesome scenes of the broken bodies and buildings, and the desperation of people suffering, I was also overwhelmed by the ground level, flat-out reality of people helping people. We saw obstacles overcome by obstinate people determined to get aid to those in need. We witnessed horrific tragedies but we also saw evidence of good everywhere. Having been there and back, I can tell you there's a direct, human connection, saturated with God's goodness that is descending on Haiti from every direction. If you prayed and cried for the people of Haiti, then good in your own life has already come from this tragedy.

"How should this event change me?" What a great question to ask God in prayer! "God, I have seen so much. I don't want to be the same. I can't go on as I have."

First of all, we need to pray like we have never prayed before (see Ephesians 6:18). Lift up our brothers and sisters in Haiti in prayer.

Secondly, this is a day for bold witness for Jesus Christ (Ephesians 6:19). People are looking for answers. This is a time to speak up for God. Open our mouths, Lord, and fill it with the good news of Jesus Christ.

Third, we can respond to God's call to help in tangible ways. Be alert to opportunities, not only in Haiti, but elsewhere, and then act on the need. One way we've stepped up is by forming a new ministry called Churches Helping Churches. Click here to learn more. Ask God for a willing heart and the rest of you will follow.

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