Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Do you ever wonder why? Do you ever wonder why there are people who have done wrong, and appear to be blessed? Do you ever wonder why you have tried to do right and feel that you have been punished? Do you ever wonder why you experienced some of the heartache of your childhood; or some tragedy that you did not cause? Do you ever get tired and wonder, ‘why me.’

In the book of Job, we read that he was an upright and blameless man. Job had great wealth; thousands of animals, a large family and many servants. He prayed and offered sacrifices for his children, just in case they had sinned. He was faithful to God, and appeared to be doing everything right. In the book of Job we find that Satan tells God that Job is only faithful to Him, because he is so blessed. God gives Satan permission to take all that Job had. Satan destroyed Job’s children, his livestock, servants, herdsmen and home; and Job still trusted God. But the next thing that Satan was allowed to do was attack Job’s body; covering him with painful boils. Now Job’s wife thinks Job should curse God and die; Job’s friends accused him, saying that he must have sinned and needed to repent; he was proud and needed to be humbled. Job lost everything and those that were close to him were not helping, but hurting. Why me?

When it appears that we are suffering for no reason; we did right, but everything is going wrong; things happened to us that we could not control and did not cause….do we say, ‘why me?’ Job, in the end, realized even more, the awesomeness of God. Job realized that when you have nothing and no one, God is still there. Job realized that people and things are here one minute and gone the next; they are on your side today, and against you tomorrow, but God is sovereign and in control. God never gave an explanation to Job as to why he had to suffer, but in the end, Job received ‘double for his trouble.’ The Bible says that his latter days were better than his first days.

We don’t always know why we suffer… But do we ever ask God ‘why me’, when things are going well; when we receive things that we do not deserve; when we are blessed for no reason? Do we ask God, ‘why me’ when He decides to let us see a new day; when He covers us with clothes, or gives us a roof over our head? Do we ask Him, ‘why me’ when we are able to breathe on our own; eat on our own and see on our own? Do we ask Him ‘why me’ when He continues to pull us out of trouble; forgives us for our sins and heal our hurts? Do we ask Him, ‘why me’ when we have family or friends; finances or peace? Do we ask Him, ‘why me,’ when He sent His Son to die for us; when He chose us; when He saved us? Do we ask Him, ‘why me,’ when He delivered us from destruction, and gave us an opportunity to have everlasting life? Do we ask Him, ‘why me?’

If we are going to look at why we suffer when we think we don’t deserve it…we ought to look at why we are blessed, because we really don’t deserve that!Why me? I don’t know; I’m just thankful!

“He replied, ‘You are talking like a foolish woman.
Shall we accept the good from God, and not trouble?’
In all this, Job did not sin in what he said.” Job 2:10 NIV

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